7 days to die cheat commands
7 days to die cheat commands

7 days to die cheat commands

Version - The current version of 7 Days to Die appears Toggle_blood_off/on - Blood is off or on. Spawnwanderinghorde - Sends a horde to player. Spawnsupplycrate - Throw a supply box on the player from. Spawnentity - produce the Player Makes selected mob or Item. Spawnentity (Shortcut: s) - Mob and items that can be generated are listed. Spawnairdrop - An airplane sheds supply crates. Sounddebug - The sound manager is switched. Shownexthordetime - The time until the next Horde appears. Showchunkdata (Shortcut: sc) - The data of the chunk display. Settime (Shortcut: st) - The current time in the game is changed (0 = 1). Setgamepref (Shortcut: sg) - Game settings are changed. Say - A chat message to all players is sent. Saveworld (Shortcut: sa) - The world is saved.

#7 days to die cheat commands mod#

Mod update - Adjust the level of the moderator. Mod remove - The appointment as moderator will be canceled. Mod add - Appoint one player to moderator. Listplayers (Shortcut: lp) - All players who are online are listed. Listplayerids (Shortcut: lpi) - Any player's IDs is listed. Listthreads (Shortcut: lt) - Processes are listed. Listents (Shortcut: le) - Items are listed. Listgameobjects (Shortcut: lgo) - The number of objects is displayed. Killall - All zombies are removed from the server.

7 days to die cheat commands

Kickallc - All players will be removed from the server. Kick - A player will be removed from the server. Help - All console commands are displayed. Giveselfxp - A player is allotted experience. Giveself (Object) - A desired object is thrown at a player. Gettime (Shortcut: gt) - The current time in the game is displayed. Getgamepref (Shortcut: gg) - The settings of the current game display. Gameover (Shortcut: go) - A round in Deathmatch or Hardcore mode is terminated. Here you will find all available console commands to 7 Days to Die.Īdmin remove - Remove a player as Admin.Īdmin update - Change the permissions of the administrator.īan add - Remove a player for a certain time from the server.īan list - Display the list of banned players.Ĭhunkcache (Shortcut: cc) - Display all currently cached charged chunks.Ĭommandpermission add - Assign the desired level to a desired law.Ĭommandpermission remove - Delete the desired right from the list.Ĭommandpermission update - Adjust the level of the given law.Ĭreativemenu (Shortcut: cm) - Enable and disable the creative menu.ĭebugmenu (Shortcut: dm) - The debut menu is opened or closed.Įnablescopes (Shortcut: it) - Debugging options are open. Thereby you activate the console and can select cheats and codes to enter. (Key 2) press " for US keyboards / press for EU keyboards / press Ö/Ø for Scandinavian keyboards. To enter the commands in 7 Days to Die, you have to press in the game, the key: (Key 1) press ~ for US keyboards / press 0 for EU keyboards. If you know the item ID, then you can use the search function to search for a specific item. This opens an inventory, from which you can take out the desired item.

7 days to die cheat commands